A ‘MUTILATED’ swan which had been mauled to death by a dog in Goldthorpe was killed in a ‘completely avoidable’ incident, according to the RSPCA.

It’s the second time a swan has died at the Brick Pond in the last 18 months after two mastiffs killed one of the protected birds last April in a ‘vicious’ attack.

But this attack, which occurred last Thursday, prompted the RSPCA to appeal to dog owners to keep their pets under control.

A spokesperson told the Chronicle: “This is an upsetting and completely avoidable incident which would have been distressing for those who discovered this poor, mutilated swan.

“One of our officers rushed the swan to a nearby vet, but after assessing its severe injuries the vet made the difficult decision to put the swan to sleep.

“Sadly, this situation happens all too often and we have to repeatedly urge dog owners to keep their dog under control on a lead and to look-out for nearby swans, other water birds and wildlife, when they are out on walks.

“Dog owners have a legal responsibility to keep their dog under control in a public place.

“It is important at all times, but particularly at this time of the year when adults will be caring for their young.”