A RECYCLING business which sought retrospective permission to double the capacity of its operation near a wildlife haven has had its application rejected by councillors this week.

Eric Lidster, who runs West Green Recycling in Monk Bretton, submitted an application in December 2023 but it was discussed by planning board members on Tuesday.

The retrospective application was rejected after inspectors found a prior agreement which allowed the business to operate was of a ‘significantly larger scale’ than permitted.

Coun Robert Barnard, of the planning board, asked the meeting how many jobs would be lost if the application would be rejected.

While Coun David Greenhough said: “It’s reckless that a business of this size is seeking retrospective planning permission.

“Putting jobs at risk does seem like a foolish move.”

Planing bosses added that should the application be approved, any residential development in the area would be negatively impacted.

A report said: ““The development is at odds with the local plan, the joint waste plan and the Carlton masterplan framework, all of which seek to ensure that developments function well, add to the overall quality of the area, are visually attractive, sympathetic to local character, establish a strong sense of place and create safe, inclusive and accessible places that promote health and wellbeing.

“The development has resulted in incongruous features that have an unacceptable visual impact in the landscape because of their height, scale, design and prominence and lack of existing or proposed landscaping to relieve their impact.”