PLANS to build more than 50 new properties in Worsbrough Bridge have been approved by the council - and developer Hoober Homes will have to fork out more than £500,000 through a section 106 agreement.

An application to build a total of 51 houses south of West Street was originally submitted to Barnsley Council’s planning board in December 2023.

These plans were given the green light by the planning board earlier this week.

A report states: “The site, originally known as The Dearne and Dove Steam Saw Mill, has a long history of industrial uses dating back to 1850.

“Since that time the site has housed a coal mine, a canal and a barge building company which turned into a timber company mostly supplying the local coal mines.

“From 1969 until 2000 the site was in engineering use for specialised mining machinery for the National Coal Board, which ceased trading in 2000.

“From 2000-2009 the site was occupied by a subsidiary of Taylor Maxwell (brick merchant).

“They left the site in 2009 and then the site was let on a short term basis until the total demolition of the site.

“The applicant seeks full planning permission for the erection of 51 dwellings and associated infrastructure/landscaping.

“The properties are a mix of two and two-and-a-half-storey detached and semi-detached dwellings.

“Each property has a buffer garden to the front and an enclosed private amenity space to the rear.”

Two letters of objection were sent to the council after the application was made public.

Their concerns included reduced highway safety, increased pollution and increased demand on local services which are already strained.

Subsequently, the council have set up a section 106 agreement - cash set aside by developers for local amenities - at a cost of £554,000.

The report added: “Based upon the proposed number of dwellings the contribution required would be 11 primary pupils at £16,000 per pupil totalling £176,000 .

“As well as eight secondary pupils at £16,000 per pupil totalling £128,000

“That would equate to a total of £304,000.

“This would be secured via the s106 agreement.

“The objective of the ‘Sustainable Travel’ SPD is to ensure that the accessibility of new development via public transport, walking and cycling is acceptable in order to promote sustainable transport and active travel and where possible enhance the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the transport network to meet the council’s economic, health and air quality aspirations

“Based upon 51 dwellings a contribution of £38,250 is required.

“The contributions will be used to help finance and deliver the programme of public transport improvements and enhancements.

“In summary, the residential development is considered acceptable in principle due to the land being allocated for housing.

“Biodiversity habitat on the site is generally of a low value and it is not the subject of any special designations, however, the metric assessment has quantified that a payment of £211,750 is required to mitigate the net loss.”

The plans have been approved subject to the section 106 agreement being approved.