BARNSLEY’S MPs have hailed a new investment package which is set to transform the support offered to expectant families and into the first years of a child’s life.

Barnsley Council is expected to receive at least £1.25m as part of the wider investment increase from the government, ensuring children across the borough receive the ‘best start’ in life.

Families and children will be able to access improved early years services including pregnancy support, infant feeding advice, parenting classes, baby and toddler groups, health visitors, and high-quality early education and childcare.

More than 80 per cent of parents have said they struggled to access early years services and it’s hoped the extra cash will allow more people to receive help.

Marie Tidball, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge, said: “My mum was the head of a nursery when I was growing up I know only too well how crucial early years support it for child development and parents.

“This funding pot for early years will be fantastic for families and children.

“Families across our communities elected a Labour government to enable every child to thrive, and that is what we’re delivering.

“As both a mum and someone who’s been an early years governor, I know that this will make a huge difference for so many families and that impact will be felt for years to come.

“The first two years of a child’s life lay the building blocks for their physical and emotional wellbeing into adulthood.

“Antenatal classes, health visitors, parenting support, baby and toddler groups and access to affordable, high-quality early education and childcare are vital to guiding parents and supporting child development.”

Dan Jarvis, MP for Barnsley North, praised the investment and told the Chronicle it will change residents’ lives.

“I am delighted that Barnsley will receive early years funding from the government,” he added.

“It will provide crucial support to children and families in our community.

“Paired with the introduction of Family Hubs to support children and new or expecting parents, it will ensure that our children have the best possible start in life.”

The Family Hubs model has been hailed as a huge success, with venues now in operation in each of Barnsley’s six area council districts.

Stephanie Peacock, who represents Barnsley South, is a former teacher and welcomed what’s being done for pregnant women, new parents and babies in their formative years.

She said: “Barnsley Council are set to receive significant early years funding, through a boost from government.

“It is intended to support families from pregnancy until the age of two.

“It’s vital that children in Barnsley get the best possible start in life.”