A LOCAL woman who lost her brother in one of the most horrific events anyone can go through is trying to break stigmas and ‘give people permission’ to laugh through her new charity event.

In 1996, 27-year-old James Tyrrell took his own life.

Over the following years, his sister Mick Rowe has been campaigning to improve mental health provisions and prevent the same feelings consuming anyone else.

In 2022, she released the documentary - ‘Suicide Sucks!’ - which raised money for the suicide prevention charity Papyrus, and since then has started a podcast with the same name as a way of breaking down the feeling that suicide is a dirty word.

Now the devoted campaigner is organising her first event, ‘Stand Up To Suicide’, which is a comedy night on March 13 at Broad Close Farm Campsite in Silkstone.

The show will feature performances from award-winning comedian Freddy Quinne, Britain’s Got Talent’s Danny Posthill and many more.

“I’ve never done anything like this before so it’s quite daunting,” she told the Chronicle.

“I just sold my first ticket so that’s exciting, but there’s still a long way to go.

“For the podcast I interview people who attempted to take their own life but are still here - so many people I interview come in with obviously harrowing stories but we also laugh a lot.

“I literally woke up one morning and realised we need to be given permission to laugh.

“It should be a good night, there’s some top-quality comedians.”