A HISTORIC yet oft-forgotten piece of Barnsley’s industrial past is being painstakingly revitalised by a hardy group of volunteers who are keen to safeguard its future.

Work on Barnsley Canal started in 1793 and although it didn’t open until a decade later, it ran from the town centre to Wakefield in its heyday.

Sixteen miles in length and boasting 20 locks, the boats which used the waterway carried coal for two centuries until it was officially closed due to dwindling commercial use in 1953.

More than 70 years on, the Barnsley Canal Group’s members are doing their bit to restore its Twibell Street stretch on the outskirts of the town centre.

Volunteers - backed by Couns Janine Moyes and Martin O’Donoghue who represent the Central ward - have been out in force this week helping to clear its lock.

The group secured Pride of Place funding from Barnsley Council, which has supported dozens of community-led projects across the borough.

Member Martin Exelby told the Chronicle that plans are in place to completely clear the lock in order to see its almost three-centuries-old workings.

“The long-term plan is to make it a real heritage hub for schoolchildren to visit - Barnsley’s not just known for its coal, it’s more about glassworks and linen, too,” he said.

“Every part of Barnsley’s past industries went through the canal as it was an integral way of getting materials to and from Wakefield during the 1800s and 1900s.

“Barnsley Council and the Central ward’s councillors have offered so much support and the Pride of Place funding has been invaluable to us.

“A lot of work has been done this week and that’ll continue - we’re a small group but we’re dedicated to preserving the site.

“There’s the old ruins of the lock keeper’s cottage and its history is extremely important to Barnsley.

“Ideally I’d love to see Barnsley Canal completely restored to as it was with water throughout, but in many sections that’s just not currently feasible.

“Many places are dry, as is the lock in which we’re responsible for, but if we can all do our respective bits it will all help towards that.

“There’s so much potential along its route and the chance to improve wildlife habitats throughout its course.”

Coun Wendy Cain, cabinet spokesperson for public health and communities, said: “We are delighted to celebrate the allocation of funding under the Pride of Place grants scheme, which has been a fantastic opportunity to support and empower our local communities.

“The scheme has enabled us to invest in our heritage, our environment and our people and to make a positive difference in the lives of our residents.

“We are proud of the grant recipients’ achievements and the impact they are making on their communities.”

Coun Moyes paid tribute to the group and its members’ hard work in revitalising the stretch.

“This project will bring back to life an often forgotten historical feature that was integral to the past industries that the town was built on.”