OBJECTIONS from a Post Office branch and local councillors which were lodged against Barnsley Council’s ‘excessive’ plans to introduce traffic restrictions are set to be discussed.

Ruling cabinet members are set to sign off on the plan which will bring in a raft of measures on Ballfield Lane, Kexborough, and its side streets following complaints about inconsiderate parking.

It’s reached such a point at Kexborough Primary School’s drop-off and pick-up times that action is now required, according to the council’s highways department, who are set to receive permission to bring in no waiting restrictions.

As well as Ballfield Lane, Churchfield Lane, Uplands Avenue, Cooper Road and Priestley Avenue are also impacted.

However, the move has irked Couns Sharon Howard, Trevor Cave and Alice Cave who represent the Darton West ward and Kexborough Post Office staff who submitted objections against the proposals.

They labelled the restrictions as ‘excessive’ and complained that Post Office customers would be unfairly impacted.

However, following a meeting with the councillors and staff, it was decided that the initial plan would be revised, with restrictions on worst-hit areas coming in on Monday to Friday from 8am while 9am, and 3pm while 5pm.

A cabinet report said: “The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) has reported significant traffic flow and bus stop access issues on Ballfield Lane, Kexborough which are affecting public service routes and schedules.

“The issues reported are that the road, and side road junctions, are being excessively narrowed as a result of inconsiderate, obstructive and illegal ‘half on half off’ the footway, parking along the length of road between Churchfield Lane and Priestley Avenue.

“Traffic flow and access is particularly affected during the primary school’s peak times.

“The Post Office has traded under the current ownership since April 2002, and the parking at school times has been the same in all that time.

“Objectors are very concerned that the proposed parking restrictions will lead to a drastic loss in business.

“The Post Office currently employs the two proprietors, their daughter and five members of staff who all live locally.

“It is recommended that cabinet members agree to the revised layout which mitigates the concerns raised during the public consultation, that it does not adversely affect residents and businesses but still achieves the scheme’s aim of preventing obstruction by injudicious parking at peak times.”