PLANS to turn a prominent listed building in the middle of the town centre into a betting shop ‘should not be allowed’, according to the chairman of Barnsley Civic Trust.

Owen Gledall said he was ‘horrified’ to learn of plans to open a Paddy Power betting shop in what was the Yorkshire Building Society on the corner of Market Hill and Eldon Street. It was formerly Yorkshire Bank and for many years it was one of two branches facing each other on the same corner - the other still remains.

Applications for listed building consent, and planning permission for change of use, have been submitted to the council by Power Leisure Bookmakers. As well as being grade II listed, the building, dating back to 1903, is also part of the Regent Street, Church Street and Market Hill Conservation Area - one of 18 such areas in Barnsley which are deemed to have special architectural or historic interest.

“Another bookmakers is the last thing we need there,” said Mr Gleadall, also chairman of Barnsley Voice, which represents town centre businesses.

Read more in this weeks Barnsley Chronicle