THESE days, it’s much more convenient to spend a penny at Bullhouse Chapel but it’s nowhere near as sociable...

For the old three-seater earth closet which served the church for decades has been removed making way for a new toilet block, complete with disabled access.

The new WC is one of the last parts of a massive renovation programme which has been going on at Bullhouse for more than ten years. However, the link with the past won’t entirely disappear as the old closet is to be turned into a ‘museum piece’.

Chapel spokesman Marjorie Cale-Morgan said: “Work has been going on for around 11 years and now it is just about complete with installation of a new WC complete with disabled access.”

In all, the work has cost around £120,000 and involved a new roof, new kitchen and other improvements. Much of the funding came from English Heritage.

“It’s all very exciting that our plans are finally coming to fruition,” said Mrs Cale-Morgan, who added that there would be an official opening of the improvements in the spring.

Bullhouse Chapel, which is near Millhouse Green, is thought to be the oldest independent non-conformist chapel with continuous worship in the UK.

It began life in 1689 as a Presbyterian meeting place, turning to Methodism in the 19th century. The chapel has a small but dedicated congregation.