‘POP-up’ police stations could be on the way in Penistone, with the idea being mulled over at top level.

But senior councillors have already given a warm welcome to the concept of using community venues as places where people and police can meet.

“There will be more comment when the issue has been thrashed out,” Insp Andrew Norton told members of Penistone Area Council in a special presentation.

“The big thing we are pushing at the moment is around volunteers for schemes such as Neighbourhood Watch.

“Coverage around Penistone is very good and we want more people to sign up.

“The vision is that we can get people to help us and take some of the demand to get our messages across.

“People still like face to face contact.

“We still need people on the ground so we can focus on our priorities of dealing with crime, public confidence and satisfaction.”

The question of ‘pop-up’ stations arose after Coun Andrew Millner said it had ‘gone quiet’ regarding plans for volunteers to man Penistone police station.

“Where are we that?” he asked.

Insp Norton replied: “We have had talks about this and putting volunteers in there has risk assessment and employment issues.

“We have to be very careful. We are looking into having ‘pop up’ stations using venues such as the library and enlisting volunteers.

“The outlying villages villages could also be serviced with such a system, using places where people can come and see us.

“There are reasons why it’s not that easy to put volunteers in a police station and the matter has gone back to the chief constable.

“This sounds interesting,” said Coun Millner.

Insp Norton said using volunteers in police stations had been tried in other places and been ‘shot down by the unions’.

Coun Millner said: “Community centres and libraries would be ideal.”

But he added that there has never been any mention of closing Penistone police station.