Got a Story? - 01226 734262

List your local community event for FREE or create a high impact listing for just £15



• Greater visual impact

• Appears higher in our events listing pages 

• Includes an image & longer description

• You can include re-occuring events (max 6 per listing)

• Event has its own webpage and therefore it's own URL which you can share on social media or in emails. 


Still not sure? Take a look at a free listing and a high impact listing to see the difference. 


Please include the date, time and location to all events. 

Please allow 2 working days for approval of paid events and 5 working days for free events.



Free listing that we feel do not fall into the category of a local community event may be rejected. 

Paid listings with inappropriate content will be rejected without refund. If you are unsure contact us before placing your listing.


Details of our advertising terms and conditions can be found here.