A BARNSLEY school continues to perform at a good level, according to its most recent Ofsted report.

All Saints Academy in Darfield was praised for its ‘welcoming’ environment that ensures students feel ‘happy and safe’ at school.

“Under the headteacher’s leadership, and supported by trustees, the staff team has worked successfully to create a welcoming and happy school,” the report stated.

“Pupils’ personal development and behaviour are good. Pupils present as happy and say fall-outs and disagreements are rare and pupils are confident that staff will deal with any concerns.”

Students’ performance in maths, deemed a weakness in the last Ofsted report in 2014, was observed as improving.

“Improvements in mathematics have helped pupils to improve their confidence,” the report stated. “Consequently, pupils say they particularly like problem-solving.

“Pupils’ attainment and progress in writing are a particular strength and this, along with sound mathematics skills, ensures that pupils are well prepared for their next stage of education.”

Early years provision was not assessed at the school’s last inspection, and this was the only category in which the school was seen as requiring improvement.