A SCHOOL in Darton has gone completely ‘single use plastic free’ in a bid to tackle climate change.
Darton Academy, which is part of the Delta Academies Trust, has provided all students and staff with reusable plastic Delta bottles to use throughout the day.
This is in response to the quantities of plastic bottles for drinks that were seen around the school on a daily basis.
Now the students are encouraged to refill their reusable plastic bottles via the water fountains around the school, or with healthy fruit juices that are provided by the canteen.
Andy Barnett, the executive principal at the academy, said: “At the Delta Trust conference last year, we agreed to have a huge push on educating our students on protecting the environment and our contribution to service and charity.
“One of the main areas we pushed was the reusable plastic bottles for drinks because of the huge amount of bottles being used on a daily basis.
“We want the children at Darton to think about what small steps they can take in their own lives to be a part of global sustainability.”
The students have embraced the change, and many have brought their own reusable water bottles from home.
Josh Sanders, 12, said: “If I don’t use plastic, I’m saving the world bit by bit.”
Adam Wilson, 12, added: “In 2050, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, so we all need to save our environment.”