A WORSBROUGH Bridge woman lost her battle with cancer last month but her last wish was ensure that staff who helped her received the thanks they deserve.

Gwen Trickett died after a long battle with terminal liver cancer, aged 85, on October 13 and leaves behind her husband of more than 60 years, 89-year-old Deric, and her son and daughter-in-law, Vance and Anna.

She was diagnosed three years ago and was offered a trial chemotherapy treatment which she accepted - this prolonged her life by a further three years.

One of Gwen’s last wishes was for her appreciation of those who helped her in the last three years of her life to be shared with the Chronicle’s readers.

In a letter written to the Chronicle, Gwen said: “Three years ago I was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, I was offered a trial chemotherapy treatment which I accepted - this treatment prolonged my life by three years.

“I would like to thank all Barnsley Hospital’s consultants, nurses and care team who diagnosed my condition, and ultimately administered my treatment which gave me the opportunity to spend precious extra time with my family and friends, and to live a little more of my life.”

Gwen, who lived in Worsbrough Bridge for the majority of her life, loved to travel to Scarborough four times a year and, perhaps a little more luxuriously, loved to cruise around the globe.

“I would like to thank the following professionals for the absolutely fantastic, caring and altruistic help they gave me during the last weeks of my life in the most difficult of years due to the Covid pandemic,” she added.

“The ambulance staff who attended to my pain when it was overwhelming and unbearable.

“The team at Oaks Medical Centre, Kendray, who quickly built a comprehensive care package for myself at short notice.

“The Macmillan and district nurses who showed so much compassion and empathy towards me, making my time left a little less scary and more dignified.

“And lastly, but not least, the carers who came day and night to tend to my needs during my illness.

“I wish to show my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all of those involved in my care for the compassion and fantastic care you gave to me during my final hours of need - you are all truly amazing.”