A BODYBUILDER whose career began just six years ago has become a British champion.

Collette Evans, 34, has been lifting weights for the last ten years but achieved her biggest win yet last Saturday when she took the top spot at the Natural Physique Association’s British finals.

Worsbrough’s Collette - who trains up to three times a day - first began to compete back in 2015.

She said: “I’ve enjoyed my journey for the most part but there’s been lots of ups and downs.

“There’s always going to be challenges but it’s how you handle it.

“I had people who believed in me before I knew any of this was possible - my coach knew I was going to look like this before I even knew.

“Having positivity around you is so important, and having people around you with more experience than yourself.

“I didn’t think I’d be British champion - I didn’t set out for it - but it feels amazing.”