A POLICE action day which saw officers from across South Yorkshire descend on the borough to crack down on crime has been hailed as a success by force bosses.

Operation Duxford - which took place last Wednesday - saw scores of officers work alongside teams from Barnsley Council, the Environment agency and British Transport Police.

Ten arrests were made across the day including for possession with intent to supply lass A and Clcass B drugs, assault of an emergency worker, burglary, taking a vehicle without consent and failure to attend court dates.

A 22-year-old man from Barnsley was one of the key arrests from the operation after he failed to stop when challenged by officers.

When his vehicle was finally stopped on Pinfold Close, Stairfoot, he was pursued by officers through some hedges and was found hiding behind a car.

He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, failing to stop and possession of an offensive weapon.

Other weapons and knives were taken off the streets throughout the day.

Inspector Tony Lee, commander for the operation, said: “The day was a success and we were delighted with the positive results our officers were achieving when out and about executing their warrants or other tasking.”

More than 100 cannabis plants were seized, 18 people were stopped and searched, seven vehicles were seized for having no insurance, and a full closure notice and closure warning notices were served on properties for antisocial behaviour.

Six scrap yards were also visited by teams and partners to carry out checks and discuss crime trends.

Inspector Lee added: “I would like to thank all those people who took the time to speak to our officers.

“If you still have concerns over crime, I would continue to urge you to report your concerns either via 101, to your local neighbourhood team or anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”