JORDAN Williams says last season is ‘in the bin’ and Barnsley’s players are no longer affected by the disastrous relegation campaign.

The Reds collected 30 points as they finished last in the Championship then, after the appointment of Michael Duff as head coach, they lost their League One opener 1-0 at Plymouth Argyle on Saturday.

Asked if some players’ confidence was still damaged by going down, Williams told the Chronicle: “Definitely not.

“It’s a fresh start now.

“Last season has gone and it’s in the bin. It’s a completely new script and we’re raring to go. It just didn’t happen in the first game but we’ll go again.

“We will work our nuts off in training this week because it’s a big game now against Cheltenham (at Oakwell on Saturday) and hopefully we can give the fans something to cheer about.”

Williams has battled several injuries during his four years at Oakwell and had only played fleetingly in friendlies before coming up against Plymouth’s impressive Bali Mumba.

“It’s a big season for me, I want to kick on play as many games as possible and stay injury-free.

“I am not fully fit so it was tough, especially towards the end. I thought I did well. He (Mumba) came out on top a few times but that happens in football.

“I had only been with the lads for two weeks so I am a bit away from full fitness. That 90 minutes will do me good. I was getting a bit leggy towards the end which is bound to happen because I had only played two 45 minutes in friendlies.”

Williams was disappointed with elements of Barnsley’s performance in Devon.

“Plymouth are a good team who keep the ball. We like to control the ball but it didn’t happen. We were too standoffish and should have been more aggressive and in their faces.”

He added: “Plymouth did well last year, we expected it to be tough and it was. We could have been better, we started a bit sloppy, there are a few things we can work on. They overran us sometimes.

“But it’s the first game of the season and something to build on, I suppose.

“We had chances and, on another day, we could have scored and got a result. It’s humbled us a bit and shows where we are.

“Everyone is still getting used to what the manager wants. But you could see what he’s trying to bring out in us – a team unit and a togetherness.”