A REJECTION of calls for average speed check cameras on a road troubled by speeding drivers has been criticised by a campaign group.

Speed Awareness Group Ardsley (SAGA) previously launched a petition for the installation of the cameras, which amassed 1,200 signatures.

According to the Department of Transport, which is responsible for installing cameras, the stretch does not meet the ‘very strict’ criteria.

John Evans, secretary for SAGA, said the group has issues with the comments.

“The figures for accidents along the carriageway only cover up to December 31 2021.

“It does not include the several accidents in 2022, one of which was a fatality.

“Our understanding is that the conducted speed survey only covered the section near the Oakhill Primary School and not at various sections of the dual carriageway.

“The vast majority of speeding takes place over the full stretch of the dual carriageway.

“The A635 new travel scheme includes for three ‘uncontrolled pedestrian crossings’, similar to the existing one outside the school - but these are not controlled by any safety warnings or traffic indicators.

“We received a letter from the council dated July 25, 2022, which is almost verbatim of the comments from the cabinet meeting of the July 27, which indicates that decisions had already been made - we have to question what appears to be democracy in action.”

Coun James Higginbottom, cabinet spokesperson for environment and highways, added: “The council justify a considerable annual investment in road safety on the basis of reductions in collisions.

“This is focused towards addressing those sites most in need of intervention first.

“The dual carriageway section of Doncaster Road in question has had three injury collisions in the three-year period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.

“It doesn’t meet the very strict, pre-determined criteria for speed camera implementation, which has been set by the Department of Transport.

“As a result, we’re not be able to support this part of the request.

“The council has recently installed 20mph speed limit signs on Doncaster Road in the vicinity of Oakhill Primary School, and as part of this scheme we will be taking speed surveys on the road via the school entrance in both directions.

“Surveys show that over 90 per cent of the traffic is travelling below the 40mph speed limit, and the 20mph (outside the school) speed limit signs will continue to be monitored to measure their effectiveness.”