A TOWN centre theatre has been handed a major cash boost having been successful in its bid for Arts Council funding.
A total of £752,832 will make its way to the Civic over the next three years, which leaders at the Hanson Street venue say will support its growth and development.
Under half of the 1,700 applicants were successful.
Chief executive Anthony Baker said: “We’re absolutely delighted that we have been selected to continue to be part of the Arts Council’s portfolio of regularly-funded organisations.
“This funding underpins the work we will deliver and is fundamental to our future growth and development.
“I see an incredible future ahead for us and we are looking forward to engaging much more closely with the residents of the town, bringing new creative and cultural experiences to our great place.”
Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis added: “I am delighted the Civic, one of our key cultural arts venues in Barnsley, has received this investment.
“It will provide the Civic with more money to invest in creative and cultural opportunities for the town and provide residents with exciting new programmes and exhibitions.”