DOZENS of angered residents have signed a petition opposing plans for a new supermarket in an ‘overdeveloped’ part of Barnsley - and have called on planning bosses to stand up and act on local concerns.

German retailer Lidl confirmed to the Chronicle they are set to resubmit amended plans for a new store on Sheffield Road, Hoyland, after withdrawing their original scheme - just days before a scheduled planning board meeting - in December.

However residents living around Regent Court - which overlooks the site - say they are worried about extra traffic and the proximity of a new supermarket to their homes.

They believe Hoyland has had more than its fair share of development since a so-called ‘masterplan’ - which paved the way for business and housing needed - was signed off by Barnsley Council.

Since then, several vast warehouses have arrived on empty land along the M1 corridor - including parcel delivery giant Evri’s £60m ‘mega hub’ which is the largest in Europe.

Sharon Townsend, who launched the petition, said the planned site is one of the last green spaces in the area and wildlife - already impacted elsewhere in Hoyland - would be decimated if the nod is given.

She added: “We don’t want another supermarket in the village - it will cause more pollution and congestion.

“We have an Aldi in Birdwell so we definitely don’t need another supermarket causing problems.

“It’s a nice, peaceful place to walk and we don’t want to be breathing in pollution - it’s the totally wrong place, it’s inconsiderate and won’t benefit residents.

Coun Chris Lamb, the council’s deputy leader who represents the Rockingham ward, said he sympathised with residents.

He and the late councillor, Jim Andrews, objected to the original plans because of concerns over highway safety and noise pollution.

“The whole point of putting in the the new link road, Olympus Way, was to relieve the pressure of traffic from the Hoyland Common area,” he said.

“There’s a significant risk of that all this is going to do is serve to reverse the good work that that road has achieved.

“It’s on public record that I submitted an objection to the original plans expressing a number of concerns, along with my councillor colleague, the late Jim Andrews.

“I think a lot of people in the Hoyland, Hoyland Common and Birdwell areas would like to see a Lidl, because it gives them another choice in terms of a budget or discount food store.

“But it’s got to be right for that road and the residents that live at the back of that.”

The Chronicle understands that Lidl pulled its original planning application - which had been earmarked for refusal - due to concerns with some aspects and confirmed the decision would allow ‘more time’ to solve issues raised during previous public consultation exercises.

Coun Robert Frost, cabinet spokesperson for regeneration and culture, added: “We recognise and understand the concern of local residents regarding this application.

“Lidl can submit a further planning application, which we will assess on its merits.

“As part of our analysis, we will consult with residents and make sure any comments received are fully considered as part of the planning process.

“The original application was recommended for refusal, so the onus will be on Lidl to address the reasons for refusal - one of which was the likely impact on neighbouring residents.”