A LOCAL councillor who found a packet of white powder next to a children’s play area has slammed drug users.

Coun Kevin Osborne, who represents the Darfield ward, found the bag of white powder - believed to be cocaine - in Middlecliffe last weekend and he says he’s disposed of it after informing South Yorkshire Police.

He told the Chronicle: “I was angry and disappointed to find what appeared to be a packet of illegal drugs discarded alongside the children’s play area.

“Having spoken to several parents in the village this isn’t the first time this has happened.

“I have informed South Yorkshire Police and the packet has been disposed of.

”Those who chose to indulge their habit in our community should be aware that their carelessness, their ignorance and their stupidity could have led to a child being seriously hurt or injured.

“I have a message for them - get your kicks somewhere else, you’re not welcome here.”