A recent dig around in one of our storage rooms has yielded these old sketches of areas around Barnsley.
They were originally printed in the Chronicle back in 1932 and are from the Old Barnsley Collection put together by Kenneth Leslie Graham.
The pictures are taken from around the Barnsley area and will be familiar to some of our readers.
You can view these photo's below individually, or watch them as a video here.
Woolley Churchyard, Woolley
The Manor House and Lancasters Yard
Cock Inn Yard, Shambles Street
Monk Bretton Priory, Library and Frater Windows
Knabbs Hall, Silkstone Common
Houghton Old Hall, Great Houghton
Highstone, Worsborough Common
Gawber Hall, Gawber
Columbine Pigeon Cote, Tankersely
Surrey Yard, Shambles Street
Holy Rood Church from Wellington Street
St Mary's Church from Eastgate
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