THE cost-of-living crisis has forced fewer Berneslai Homes tenants to pay their rent, the Chronicle can reveal.

A report, which will be discussed by councillors on Wednesday, states that Berneslai Homes only collected 96.06 per cent of its rent last year - against a target of 97 per cent.

It was also lower than the previous year’s collection rate.

The report states: “Across the sector, the cost-of-living crisis has impacted on collection levels.

“Data shows social renters have felt the cost-of-living crisis more acutely than many which may have impacted on tenants’ ability to pay rent.

“Approximately two thirds of tenants’ rents are met through either housing benefit or an element of Universal Credit.

“ For the remaining third of tenants who do not receive support with their rents, or for any tenant experiencing severe financial hardship, a wide range of support has been made available including support targeted towards low-income households, personal budgeting support and access to warm and welcoming spaces.”