A YOUNG fundraising superstar received a special visit from Pudsey Bear while at school.

Guy Hebdon, nine, has been collecting for Children in Need over the past few years and has managed to earn £2,244 this year alone.

A staple of the Proud of Barnsley awards night - which took place last Friday at the Metrodome - his latest attempt was his best yet which saw him earn more than he had in 2021 and 2022 combined.

As a thanks for his work, the charity sent out Pudsey to Cawthorne Church of England Primary School to present Guy with a well-earned certificate.

Guy’s dad John Hebdon, told the Chronicle: “Proud of Barnsley’s awards night was an extraordinarily successful night - he gets a lot out of it.

“He’s absolutely amazing and the first thing he said was how he could do better next year.”