LEADERS in Barnsley have been urged to support calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza - after protesters came together in the town centre to make their voices heard.

It comes after the town’s four MPs were given the chance to vote for action in the war-torn region, which has seen a month of fighting between Hamas and Israeli forces claim thousands of lives.

Dan Jarvis, Stephanie Peacock and John Healey - the town’s Labour MPs - abstained from voting while Conservative MP Miriam Cates voted against a ceasefire.

The MPs said they were supporting ‘humanitarian pauses’ instead - something which was voted down in Parliament and have since been specifically rejected by Israel.

Tony Nuttall, secretary of the Barnsley Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: “The massive scale of the current attacks on Gaza and the build-up in attacks by armed settlers on Palestinian communities in the West Bank, where Hamas does not exist, are further evidence of this.

“It is clear that only an end to all fighting can allow this humanitarian disaster to begin to be dealt with.

“The demand for an immediate ceasefire has been supported by the United Nations and people around the world.