RESIDENTS on a Worsbrough street have quite literally been in the dark after being left without street lights for nine weeks.

Coun Roy Bowser, who represents the area, has been working with locals on Vernon Road in a bid to engage with Northern Powergrid (NPG), the supplier of the energy responsible for the lights.

In late September the street lights went out suddenly, affecting three Worsbrough Bridge streets.

Two have been fixed, yet three cul-de-sacs on Vernon Road remain in the dark.

The darkness has left a number of residents facing injuries due to them not being able to see where they’re going late at night.

Coun Bowser told the Chronicle: “This is a huge company that has failed its customers badly.

“They have come up with nothing but excuses.

“NPG boasts on its website that it delivers reliable electricity to four million homes, well the residents of Vernon Road don’t think they’re very reliable.

“I made call after call to NPG, only to meet obstacle after obstacle - I’m really angry about this.

“One resident has had an accident in the darkness and has injured her leg.

“There are elderly people in this locality and of course we’ve had snow and ice on the ground.

“Nine weeks to fix a street lighting problem cannot be justified.”

Nova Haigh, who lives on Vernon Road, added: “I am disgusted with NPG.

“They need to be held accountable for their actions.

“I don’t suppose for a minute the company will consider making compensation payments.”