A GROUP of keen fundraisers are planning to walk across Barnsley later this month to raise funds for the chemotherapy ward at the hospital.

Mark Spendlove, from Mapplewell, decided to start the fundraising mission after losing close family members to cancer.

His dad died of bowel cancer and his step-dad lung cancer.

They’ve raised £1,400 so far for the chemotherapy ward - but are hoping to increase that total by the time they set off on their journey a week tomorrow from Barnsley Town Hall.

Jane Penvose, who is taking part in the walk, told the Chronicle: “I have been a fundraiser for many cancer charities over the years, so I messaged Mark and volunteered to help promote the event and together we have decided upon a suitable route and a theme for the ten-kilometre walk which will be based in Barnsley.

“We both know how important our NHS screening services are, and we’re very privileged as a small town to be able to access some of these amazing services and treatments at our local hospital.

“The ‘Walk and Talk for Cancer’ fundraiser is aimed to do just that - get people talking, spread vital awareness, quash stigmas and hopefully encourage people to seek medical advice.

“There is absolutely no dress code - anything goes.

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“Cancer certainly does not discriminate.

“Whatever you’re comfortable with, we’re hoping it’s going to be a tongue-in-cheek family fun day out that gets people talking.”

The group will set off from the town hall at 9am on May 11, with the aim of reaching Barnsley Hospital at 4pm the same day.

You can donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/walkandtalkforchemo