STAGECOACH is set to introduce its first electric buses into Barnsley later this month.

In partnership with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and the Department for Transport (DfT), the buses will be on the town’s roads from May 20.

The 23 electric buses will feature on the 22x and 221 routes which run from Stagecoach’s Rawmarsh depot, connecting the Dearne Valley across Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster.

Stagecoach Yorkshire’s managing director, Matt Kitchin, said: “We are so proud to be introducing these state-of-the-art buses into the community to improve air quality locally and reduce congestion as more people make the switch to sustainable forms of transport

“As a business, Stagecoach is committed to achieving net zero by 2035 and the launch of these vehicles is a huge milestone towards achieving this.”

South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, added: “We’re committed to creating a greener future for the region and achieving net zero by 2040.

“It’s estimated 200,000 people here live in areas vulnerable to air pollution.

“That’s a challenge we simply have to address, and these new electric buses are a step in the right direction to making our air cleaner for everyone.

“Not only will they improve public transport and make a contribution towards our net zero goals but they will help us on the path to a cleaner, greener, wealthier and healthier South Yorkshire.”