THERE’S now less than two weeks until thousands of Barnsley residents will flock to the polling stations to vote in the general election.

Last week the Chronicle covered the pledges of candidates in Penistone and Stocksbridge, and this week all eyes are on those in Barnsley North which covers Central, Cudworth, Darton East, Darton West, Monk Bretton, North East, Old Town, Royston and St Helen’s wards.

A total of eight candidates are hoping to get your votes - below you can read what they are promising to do should they be elected.

Dan Jarvis - Labour Party

I’m standing to be Barnsley North’s MP because I believe in public service.

I believe in our town, and I believe it’s time for change with a transformative Labour government.

My entire adult life has been dedicated to public service, serving at the sharp end of our Armed Forces and working tirelessly for the people of Barnsley as a Member of Parliament and as Mayor of South Yorkshire.

In the last Parliament alone, I unlocked £1.92bn of new money for our region, supported thousands of my constituents with a wide range of issues, changed the law to protect pregnant women from forced redundancy, and served as the Shadow Security Minister working to preserve national security and keep our country safe.

My time in Westminster though has been characterised by 14 years of chaos and austerity which has held Barnsley, and Britain, back.

Too many people are in low-paid and insecure work, too many young people face barriers to opportunity and too many pensioners feel frightened about the future.

Our public services are crumbling due to chronic under-investment, and each day I am contacted by families terrified by the cost-of-living crisis, wondering if they will ever get on top of their bills.

It feels that our country has lost its way.

So, this election is a profound moment of choice for our country - five more years of chaos under the Conservatives or a Labour government that will build a strong economy and secure our future.

Labour has a fully-costed and funded plan to cut immigration and smash the criminal gangs smuggling people into our country.

We will reduce NHS waiting times with 40,000 new appointments each week, create publicly-owned GB Energy that will bring down energy bills, create thousands of jobs and reduce carbon emissions, and we will crack down on antisocial behaviour with 13,000 new Police officers and PCSOs on our streets.

It has been the honour of my life to serve the people of Barnsley, and it would be an immense privilege to have the opportunity to serve you once again.

Nobody will fight harder for Barnsley.

Bob Lomas - Reform UK

I am a local lad from Hoyland, I look forward to representing and standing up for the good people of Barnsley as I care deeply about the area that I was raised in.

I also acknowledge the vast investment it needs.

After 14 years of the Conservatives and the previous Labour government which let everyone down, I believe that Barnsley North, which is a new constituency, needs to vote Reform - a new party that will fight for you in Parliament.

I have worked hard from the age of 15 and I will continue to work hard for the good folk of Barnsley if I am elected.

Social housing is a major problem throughout the country including Barnsley.

I will fight for more available social housing for local people.

With crime and antisocial behaviour on the increase and the lack of visible policing, Reform UK will increase more police numbers in your community and bobbies on the beat for a more visible presence.

As an ex-teacher I am passionate about the education of our children and would take a keen interest in local schools and support them in anyway possible.

In today’s tough and stressful world more people are struggling with anxiety and various degrees of mental illness, I will fight for funding to help people get support.

As being a carer for both of my parents without any outside support I understand how neglected these valuable people are and I will seek help through local charities.

I do understand that everyone is suffering with the cost of living crisis, with Reform in government no one will pay income tax as the tax threshold would be raised to £20,000.

I know this would be a win for the people of Barnsley.

Penny Baker - Lib Dems

I have been a Liberal Democrat councillor for many years and I know how important it is for elected representatives to truly listen to their residents.

People in Barnsley have been telling us they want a fair deal for their families and their area, and that’s what the Liberal Democrat manifesto is offering.

We’re fighting for everyone to have access to high quality social care when they need it, with much better pay for our undervalued carers.

We want every child to have the best start in life, with access to great schools and opportunities.

And we want better community policing, so people feel safe in their own homes.

In Barnsley, only the Liberal Democrats stand up to Labour - and with a likely Labour government you’ll need more strong Lib Dem voices in Parliament working for you.

That’s why I’m standing to be your MP this time.

Dr Tom Heyes - Green Party

Many readers from Barnsley North will know me.

I’ve lived here since 1988, was a GP in Darton for many years, attend a local church, and have been a volunteer and trustee with BCDP.

I work for equal opportunities for disabled people and set up a sports club for disabled children and young people, where I still volunteer.

I also love music, particularly folk dancing, and you may have seen my band.

My dearest title, however, is Grandpa Tom.

In my part-time work for the NHS, I hear what pressures staff experience due to chronic underfunding, pay freezes and privatisation.

As a patient and member of this community I know about poor access and delays to essential care.

I will work for better health care and improved funding.

Among the benefits, this will help people get back to work and provide for themselves.

Learning from my work in prisons and drug treatment, I will fight for mental health and addiction services and an end to the counterproductive ‘war on drugs’.

As you would expect from a Green Party member I am deeply concerned about the environment, particularly the human impact and global injustice linked to climate change and species loss.

We are a part of the natural world and destroying it is not an option for us.

Renewable energy is the only future.

Time is running out to avoid catastrophic effects on human health and prosperity.

We should preserve and develop our green spaces in Barnsley for all to enjoy, and make it easier to use bus, train and active travel services throughout the borough.

Home insulation will save us money, provide jobs, and reduce emissions.

Privatisation of water is another disaster that I want to see reversed.

We call for a ceasefire and return of hostages in the Gaza conflict.

I promise to speak and act truthfully and represent the proud people of Barnsley.

Neil Fisher - Independent

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Tony Devoy - Yorkshire Party

I was born and bred in Barnsley and I’m immensely proud of the history, heritage and culture of our town.

I feel privileged to be standing in tis general election to represent you, Barnsley and indeed God’s own county of Yorkshire, which we are proud to call home.

I’m now retired after working in the coal mining, deep-sea trawling, building and construction, film and television production sectors.

I’ve been a volunteer and community activist for many years fighter for better facilities and resources for my community.

I’m also an amateur historian and make video programmes about the social, labour and industrial history of this area.

I’m from a family of six and have five grown-up children and a grandchild so I am fully aware of the issues and concerns we all have around education, employment, health care, transport and the environment which is why I am standing for the Yorkshire Party.

We are the party of Yorkshire, standing up and speaking out for Yorkshire folk like you.

Yorkshire has a population as big as Scotland and an economy the size of Wales.

We are also on par with some smaller European nation states in terms of population and GDP.

The Yorkshire Party demands that decision-making powers be devolved to our region so that Yorkshire folk can make their own decision on the major issues affecting their lives - enabling them to shape their own future, free from the shackles and interference of Westminster politicians and London-based bureaucrats.

With your help we can build a ‘Stronger Yorkshire and a Better Barnsley in a fairer United Kingdom’.

Proper devolution that works for you and yours.

Vote Yorkshire Party and make a difference when it matters most.

Janus Polenceusz - English Democrats

My name is Janus and I am your Parliamentary candidate for the English Democrats Party in this year’s general election.

My party is England’s equivalent to Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party.

Drug crime is a very serious issue in Barnsley and in many other parts of our country.

It is a sad situation when one gets so hooked on drugs that they turn to burglary and theft to gain money to support their addiction. However, the worst criminals are the dealers who push drugs onto addicts to make money out of their misery.

The dealers turn victims into criminals. It is not nice for people having to walk through neighbourhoods, inhaling the second-hand smell of narcotics.

One of the ways around this situation is to get all drug dependant users registered and they can then continue with their dependency at a centre instead of having to buy drugs on the black market.

These specialists’ centres can be licensed to supply illegal drugs, to gradually wean drugs users off drugs.

I would campaign to put more funding into charities such as Recovery Steps and Human Kind so they can set up more centres throughout Barnsley and get the resources to help people with issues such as unemployment.

The main policy of the English Democrats is to call for a referendum on establishing a parliament for England.

Since devolution of the UK in 1997, there has been a pressure group called ‘The Campaign for an English Parliament’ who are still going in promoting the cause.

We, the English Democrats are the only political party that mirrors this cause.

A separate parliament for England would help focus on local English issues, which could bring issues in Barnsley directly to an established English parliament.

No matter whether your views are conservative or communist, it is time we all get together as England united.

Tamas Kovacs - Conservatives

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