A SCHOOLBOY who dreams of opening his own charity shop someday has been inspired to take part in a variety of fundraising events by his two disabled brothers.

Horizon pupil Ethan Hadfield, took part in a mammoth 11-mile sponsored walk to Wakefield in November to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.

This was just one of the many charitable acts the 12-year-old has taken part in, including selling poppies at the Alhambra shopping centre and organising a raffle.

His dad, Nick, told the Chronicle: “We had a lot of support for the walk.

“Everybody who we stopped and spoke to on the way was really interested in what we were doing.

“He’s already planning stuff for the rest of the year and is looking to do a longer walk at some point.”

His charitable spirit has been ignited by his two autistic brothers, who he wants to help live a better life with access to all the opportunities they want.

In the long-run, he plans on opening his own charity shop to support mental awareness, especially for young people.

“He’s loving all the work to be honest,” Nick added.

“We went to a Q and A session at Barnsley FC and he was asking questions about how players can help young people in the area.

“Afterwards the club got in contact with me and organised another session at Horizon where Ethan got to ask the players questions on stage.”

With such high ambitions and a work ethic to match, Ethan is a perfect candidate for the Young Fundraiser category at this year’s Young Champions awards.

“He’ll be over the moon when he finds out.

“He finds it hard sometimes because at home he’s got two disabled brothers so sometimes it’s like he’s caught in the middle.

“After he was in the Chronicle last time we went out and bought the paper and have still got the cutting of his article he loved it.”