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Editor's Blog

Why are people so quick to have a pop at Parky?
WHENEVER we carry a story about Sir Michael Parkinson and it appears on our social media feeds, they light up... ‘What has he ever done for Barnsley?’ ‘That man couldn’t wait to get away from his hometown’ are just a few of the more polite observations and opinions offered. Last week, he received the LIfetime Achievement Award from the Yorkshire Society – a story you can read more about on page nine this week. Five...
'Viva la Dearne': Huulen talk getting older, wiser and a little bit tougher Image
'Viva la Dearne': Huulen talk getting older, wiser and a little bit tougher
FROM bomb shelters, to shopping centres, to secure facilities, Huulen have taken their music to some strange places. The four-piece speak to Luke Watson about doing things differently and being proud of where you come from... What’s in a name? Often very little – countless bands will pick the first thing they can agree on that sounds good, looks good on t-shirts, and that (they think) people can’t make fun of. But for Dearne indie...
Why we report the good, the bad – and the ugly…
ONE easy criticism often levelled at newspapers such as ours is that we're only interested in bad news. Utter nonsense. Look through the pages of the Chronicle and you'll see 'good' news stories outweigh 'bad' ones by some margin. Every week, we feature joyous stories about readers' charity endeavours or their good deeds helping others. Plus we also stage the annual flagship Proud of Barnsley awards which shine the brightest of lights on our town’s...