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Major education project aims to 'leave no child behind' [read here]

Ofsted praise for school that’s ‘been through the mill’
A SCHOOL that’s ‘been through the mill’ has pulled itself together thanks to the work of its pupils and teachers. Meadstead Primary Academy in Royston has struggled in the past few years, receiving a ‘requires improvement’ grade from Ofsted in both 2019 and 2022. Nevertheless, staff and pupils alike have been working hard to improve the school and tackle the lacklustre reputation they’ve gained. Earlier this year, during an Ofsted monitoring inspection, inv
Club gives men a place where they can connect
AFTER the loss of a close friend Phillip Atherton took it upon himself to make town a better place for all. The 33-year-old New Lodge resident lost his friend Richard Cherryholme to mental health last year - an incident that made him realise more was needed to support people in the community. Along with other friends, he quickly set up a charity football match, which has grown bigger than he ever thought it would. He...
Spirits still high after ankle-breaking skydive
AN ankle-breaking skydive hasn’t dampened the spirits of a group of avid fundraisers who have raised more than £12,000 in memory of a young woman who died from epilepsy. Jyneen Haughie’s sister, Clareese, died aged just 22 in September last year after suffering with epilepsy throughout her life. In her memory Jyneen, who runs The Corner Pin, has been raising funds and awareness for the Epilepsy Society. In March the pub hosted a family fun...
Proud of Barnsley Awards 2023: Young Superstar nomination videos
Proud of Barnsley Awards 2023: Young Superstar Award Nominees: Sophie Holden Inness and Orryn Leggett Betsy Johnson Young Superstar nomination videos Sponsors: Barnsley College Winners Inness and Orryn Leggett A full list of winners can be found here.
Rules for entry
  • If you wish to nominate in more than one category, separate forms must be submitted for each category.

  • Entries will be judged by a panel of reputable, independent and impartial adjudicators.

  • The decision of the panel is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  • There will be three finalists in each category.

  • All shortlisted finalists must be able to participate in photo and video sessions in the run up to the award ceremony.

  • Entries will not be returned.


To enter, you can simply complete the form below or email local@barnsley-chronicle.co.uk with the following information: 


Your name

Name of nominee

Reason for nomination

Contact details of nominee

Category(ies) nominated for


Which category are you entering?
Who are you nominating?
Your Details
Nomination Statement
The judging panel will assess each nomination based on the information you provide, so the more details you can include about the person or group you are nominating, the better.
Sponsors Image

Over the last few years, our town’s unsung heroes have been recognised thanks to the Proud of Barnsley Awards and 2023 will be no different.

The search is on once again to find people who make Barnsley a great place to live, work and visit. And we need your help.

Do you somebody who goes above and beyond to help others? Perhaps you know someone who keeps a local park, green space, or area tidy? A young person who is excelling in their chosen field?

May of these people will believe they don’t deserve any kind of recognition at all. But we disagree. So if you know someone who fits the bill, you need to nominate them.

The categories for our 2023 event are:  

  • Carer of the Year
  • Charity Fundraiser
  • Charity Fundraising Team
  • Charity of the Year
  • Children’s Champion
  • Community Group
  • Community Hero
  • Exceptional Achievement
  • Green Hero
  • Hospital Hero
  • Love Where you Live
  • School of the Year
  • Sporting Achievement
  • Triumph Over Adversity
  • Volunteer of the Year
  • Young Superstar
  • The Mayor’s Special Award 


Dan Jarvis - MP for Barnsley Central

During my time as the MP for Barnsley Central, I have met thousands of Barnsley residents – both young and old, from our schools, hospitals, local businesses, places of worship and community groups – and nearly all of them have one thing in common. Whatever our differences, whatever our political or personal views, we can all unite around our shared sense of pride for our Barnsley community.

The Proud of Barnsley awards are built on this shared pride and is why we launched the campaign in the first place. It is an opportunity to shine a light on those who really make a difference to our community, who go that little bit further to help others and contribute to the good of the town and our people.

By recognising these contributions, we hope that it will inspire others to step forward and continue their good work – as well as reminding all generations that nothing should prevent them from realising their aspirations.

These are challenging economic times. Whatever commemtators say about the national picture, we know that here in Barnsley people are still finding it difficult to make ends meet. So the Proud of Barnsley awards provide us with an opportunity to highlight the positive work that is being done in our town, despite these difficulties. Our people have the grit, determination, imagination and ingenuity to overcome these obstacles and give something back to their community. This is what we will celebrate.

I am incredibly honoured to call Barnsley my home – it is a great place to live, work and raise a family.  

Let's encourage everyone to join with us and the Barnsley Chronicle and get behind the Proud of Barnsley awards – once again showcasing our fantastic achievements to the world.

 - Dan Jarvis