THE heartbroken family of a 21-year-old who died on her wedding day following a short battle with cancer hope her tragic story will inspire others to follow up on their symptoms having raised thousands for her ‘perfect send-off’.

Chloe Askey, from Elsecar, died on Monday after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer days before her birthday last year.

The much-loved daughter had been suffering painful symptoms for six weeks following an operation and so arranged an emergency wedding with her fiance, Hakeem Patel.

However, she died just hours before they were able to exchange vows.

Chloe’s family, including mum Karen and dad Nathan Askey, have been left devastated but hope her story can help others seek help if they feel something is wrong.

Nathan told the Chronicle: “As a family we’ve been absolutely crushed by this as it’s the day we’ve been dreading.

“Our beautiful Chloe has been a light in our lives for the past 21 years and I couldn’t be more proud of the woman she became.

“She has faced months of chemotherapy and fought for as long as she could.

“Chloe found a cyst a few years ago, but kept her battle hidden.

“She struggled over the weekend - she told me she was dying and she was scared.

“She had so much planned and was always focused on beating this and thought she had a lot more time.

“Chloe and Hakeem were planning on getting married the day of her death but she couldn’t hold on long enough.

“I’m not sure how we’re supposed to carry on and get over this total devastation, it’s like waking up in a nightmare but there’s no way to fix it.

“She was loved by so many and she will be very missed by everyone who had privilege to know her, our hearts are in a million pieces and I’ve no idea what to do now.”

Hakeem’s mum, Kerry Patel, started an online fundraiser to help give her the perfect send-off and to raise money for two causes close to her heart.

Karen, Chloe’s mum, thanked the community for their support and has been blown away by people’s donations.

“Words cannot describe the loss we are feeling - she was beautiful inside and out and was loved by everyone she came into contact with,” Karen said.

“She’s always been massively caring with an amazing sense of humour, always laughing even when times were tough.

“We can’t thank everyone enough for their support and donations. We’ve been inundated with thoughtful messages.

“Any money over the £5,000 target will be donated to Thornberry Animal Sanctuary and the Teenage Cancer Trust - two causes she loved.”

Nathan added: “Chloe was an inspiration all the way through her short battle and we’re so proud.

“I’m sure she’d want to encourage others of a similar age to please check for cysts as it can be lifesaving.

“This can happen to anyone, even young people. That’s why the Teenage Cancer Trust is so important.

“We’re overwhelmed with the reaction to the fundraiser. We can’t thank everyone enough.”

To donate to the fundraiser, visit and search for Chloe’s name.