CAMPAIGNERS have hit out after new plans to build 215 homes in Carlton - part of the council’s MU3 masterplan - were submitted to the planning board.

The properties are set to be built on the land north of Shaw Lane by Network Space - one of the areas earmarked for development in Carlton in Barnsley Council’s framework for the site.

Their local plan was adopted in January 2019 and the Carlton masterplan was allocated for the development of two mixed-use sites, dubbed MU2 and MU3.

MU2 - between Fish Dam Lane and Carlton Road - and MU3 were adopted by full council despite fierce opposition from local campaigners in November.

This includes 1,500 homes, proposals for a 210-pupil expansion to nearby Carlton Primary Academy and a new community garden.

An application was submitted earlier this week for the development of the 215 homes and 430 new car parking spaces - as well as new vehicular access onto Shaw Lane.

A planning statement states: “The proposal is for high quality residential development, comprising up to 215 dwellings, in a range of house types, ten per cent of which are proposed to be affordable.

“Vehicular access to the site will be taken from the south, from a new junction with Shaw Lane.

“The access from Shaw Lane allows the site to come forward independently of the wider allocation, ensuring the site is capable of making a meaningful contribution to the five-year supply.

“The indicative masterplan and parameters plan acknowledge the council’s ambition to deliver a relief road from Lee Lane, Royston to the A628 via Carlton.

“The route of the relief road includes a section within the northern part of MU3, through the site, and a section to the north-west of MU3, located within the green belt.”

The applicant believes the development will deliver significant benefits to the local area, including developing off-site highways infrastructure improvement and delivering ten per cent affordable housing.

A report added: “All the potential adverse effects can be mitigated through planning conditions or a Section 106 legal agreement.

“The loss of part of the historic hedgerow is mitigated through the management and enhancement of the remaining hedgerow.”

Rachel Stewart, an avid campaigner against developments in her local area and a member of the town’s Stop MU2 and MU3 group, told the Chronicle they are not happy with the plans.

“The masterplan said the Shaw Lane junction was at capacity already and with no link road, all traffic will be using Shaw Lane,” she added.

“These houses will be close to scrap yards and we were repeatedly told by councillors ‘no-one will ever want to live near scrap yards, developers won’t touch it’.

“It isn’t even on a bus route so it won’t reduce the traffic and congestion issues - it will just amplify them,

“There is no ‘Carlton village centre’ as discussed in the plans - folk will have to drive to use local amenities in other villages because Carlton just has a garage.

“There isn’t even suitable pavements down the sides of Shaw Lane to walk safely on - it’s a very dangerous road.

“It gets very busy on Shaw Lane already and kids are walking up and down from school so it will make it more dangerous for them - there’s already been fatalities on that stretch of road.

“I would advise anyone to look at the local plan as there are more than 4,000 proposed houses for around our ward and the wards next ours - there’s a massive population increase with no real infrastructure improvement to support.”

A total of 50 neighbours have been made aware of the application with no appeals to date.

Public consultation ends on March 15.