PRELIMINARY proposals to install a pump-fed white water channel at Manvers Lake - for the combined use of flood rescue and training - have broken cover.

Bosses at Manvers Lake are proposing a horseshoe-shaped 210-metre-long alpine river.

The water is designed to flow at a variety of volumes and speeds from still to torrent, similar to those used on an extreme canoe Olympic slalom.

It will support training as well as blue light services - in particular South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue - train for flood and water rescue.

Chris Hawkesworth, chair of Manvers Lake Trustees, said: “Manvers Lake already has a lot going for it.

“High quality water, good road and rail links, an existing on-site water sports and multisport club of 2,500 members, excellent on site infrastructure, and above all a site that lends itself and enables the white water channel to tuck itself innocuously into the parkland setting.”

Mark Benton, chair of the Manvers Lake Club, added: “We already have one of our members training for the Paris Olympics who is travelling long distances to be coached.

“South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue have their training facility at the Dearne station just over the road.

“It is crazy that they are travelling to Glasgow when they could have facilities close by.”