FUNDING is needed from Westminster to ensure the bus network runs more smoothly in Barnsley, according to a local councillor.

Coun Robert Frost fears some networks are now in danger of being lost.

Coun Frost, who is the cabinet spokesperson for regeneration and culture, said: “A quality bus service is hugely important to our borough and our residents.

“We believe strongly that the government needs to provide funding to make sure our communities, our employment sites and our leisure attractions remain connected across the region.

“South Yorkshire Mayoral Authority is going to have to make very difficult decisions about how and where it steps in to save services with the limited budget available.

“Working with Mayor Coppard and other South Yorkshire Leaders, we will continue to pressure the government to provide the funding needed for SYMCA to protect our much-needed bus services.”

The council urges all residents and businesses to engage with SYMCA’s consultation so they can see the most valued services and place those as high priority networks to save.

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