FEWER Barnsley youngsters got their first choice of secondary school this year, the council have revealed.

A total of 2,616 children, the equivalent of 90 per cent, received their first choice of secondary school on Thursday.

It’s down from the 93.6 per cent figure of last year - though Barnsley Council say this is due to the increase in applications.

More than 96 per cent of kids were offered a place at one of their secondary school this year, with 159 children getting their second choice and 37 getting their third choice.

However, 97 children - or 3.3 per cent - were left without any of their preferred choices.

Though Barnsley Council bosses have confirmed they have been allocated a place at an alternative school with the help of its admissions team.

Coun Trevor Cave, cabinet spokesperson for children’s services, said: “We want every child and young person to be able to aim high, excel in their education and achieve their full potential.

“I am therefore delighted to see so many children in our borough being offered a place at their first choice of secondary school for September.

“This could not be possible without all of the great work of our admissions team and our secondary schools, making sure no child is left without a school place for September.

“I would like to thank them for making this process simple for families.

“We understand that some children and families may have received disappointing news today and we’re here to support you with the next steps.

“Get in touch with our team today if you want to turn down our offer or make an appeal.”

For residents who are seeking extra support following yesterday’s announcement, the council’s admissions team are on hand.

The council added they are happy to support any parents who may wish to appeal with appropriate advice and guidance about the process.

Call 773677 or email admissions@barnsley.gov.uk for more information.