OLD Town churchgoers are concerned for their future after Barnsley Council made it ‘almost impossible’ for those using the service to park.
St Paul’s Church, off Greenfoot Lane, has been described as a ‘community hub’ by those who use it.
Churchgoers and residents who were renting the hall had been using the land near to the site whilst parking - but after Barnsley Council put a fence around the area, many are worrying about its future.
John Walton, a member of the parochial church council, told the Chronicle: “The church hall is a real hub of the community.
“The NHS use it, as do flower clubs and choirs.
“They need somewhere to park but this won’t be the case now.
“We only have space for about five parking spaces but if we’ve got a funeral then there’ll be nowhere for anyone to park.
“My main concern is for the community - they could end up having to go somewhere else.
“The income for the hall is keeping the church open - it’s financing it, but if there’s no parking spaces there could be no income.”
Coun James Higginbottom, cabinet spokesperson for environment and highways, said the council will work with the church to support them.
He added: “In recent years, this area has been used as an overspill car park despite parking restrictions.
“Cars were making a mess of the land which caused concerns for local residents.
“We contacted the church to discuss what could be done to prevent this and agreed to move the fence.
“The church hall is a valuable community asset which Old Town councillors would always wish to support, and we will work with the church to find an alternative parking solution.”