A DOLLY Parton tribute act’s Facebook page - which was removed by the social media platform after new rules came into force - has been reinstated following a campaign which began in the Chronicle.

Adele Foster, from Little Houghton, has been plying her trade for a decade and used Facebook to advertise her talent.

The 54-year-old estimated that ’99 per cent’ of her bookings came through the page - but Facebook deleted her account after new guidelines stated no-one will be allowed to pretend to be someone well-known without their permission.

However, it was reinstated on Wednesday - and Adele thanked the Chronicle for helping.

“I was just a little fish in a big pond so getting my page back was so important,” she said.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without the Chronicle first covering it - BBC Radio Sheffield and Look North picked up on it as a result.

“I couldn’t be more thankful.”