‘A MAN of many talents’ has put his skills to good use at a show for Children in Need last week.

Carl Barma, known for his Facebook page Cooking With Carl, hosted the evening of food and magic on Friday with a variety of well-known special guests.

With an array of games and entertaining displays, Carl was joined by mind reader Karl Hemmingway and YouTube star Danny Malin from Rate My Takeaway.

Carl told the Chronicle: “The night went great, everyone loved it.

“It always feels good at the moment but I’m tired for a few days after.

“I started Cooking With Carl before the first lockdown, I didn’t have much better to do so thought I could start the show and support Children in Need.

“Back in March I decided that I’d do a show live and in-person so I have been building it from there.

“I’ve always been into magic so included some food based magic too - I’m also involved with wrestling so you could say I’m a man of many talents.”

All ticket sales went to the charity, with Carl managing to raise £653.74 in total.

The main attraction of the night though was Carl’s signature food challenge Yum or Yak, where the audience chooses one of two identical dishes for him to eat - with one hiding a disgusting surprise.

“There were three rounds and I lost all of them,” Carl added.

“One was between a milkshake and blended chicken liver, and then I had to do a shot of malt vinegar and inspired by Doctor Who the last one was fish fingers and custard.

“It got everyone laughing though, so that’s good.”