A GROUP of 25 people will take to the skies this week to raise funds in memory of a young woman who died from epilepsy.

Jyneen Haughie’s sister, Clareese, died aged just 22 in September last year after suffering with epilepsy throughout her life.

In her memory Jyneen, who runs The Corner Pin, has been raising funds and awareness for the Epilepsy Society.

On May 29, a total of 25 people will travel to Lancaster to take part in a skydive - and more than £6,700 has been raised so far.

Jyneen told the Chronicle: “There’s 25 of us who are going to be jumping out.

“I’ve done a skydive before but others haven’t - everybody is nervous for it.

“The target we set was originally £5,000 and we didn’t think we’d get that but we’ve already raised £6,715.

“She had suffered with epilepsy throughout her short life and upon the autopsy results this is what took her from us.

“We are making donations in her memory to the Epilepsy Society.

“We’ll be doing it on May 29 which would have been my sister’s birthday.”