TWO neighbouring councils could be set to link up in a bid to drive down speeders.

The cost of speed indicator devices could be shared if agreement can be reached.

Oxspring parish has asked Penistone Town Council to consider a partnership arrangement.

The parish wants to deploy SIDs but would prefer to offset the cost by joining with another authority.

At Monday’s meeting of Penistone Town Council, Coun Neville Shiggins said the devices would be battery-operated and mounted on lampposts.

Coun Joe Unsworth said: “If Oxspring can spend money on this then I am sure we can, too.”

However, he warned the SIDs would need to be frequently relocated to avoid drivers getting too used to them.

Council clerk Tara Ball added: “Oxspring wants us to go into partnership with them, helping towards the cost.

“But there are a lot of questions to be answered as it would have to be thought out as to how it can be managed.

“It is not straight-forward.”

It was agreed that the traffic working group should investigate as to cost and other aspects and report back to the September meeting.