A TRAVELLER site will be allowed to remain in place for three years on green belt land after a successful appeal.
The site, off Worsbrough Road, Worsbrough Village, was denied part-retrospective planning permission last year to station caravans and undertake works such as new access and implementation of hard standing.
But an appeal process launched with the Planning Inspectorate has concluded that permission be granted for a temporary period of three years, with two related enforcement appeals dismissed.
Conditions will limit occupation of the site to applicant Christian Smith, Alice Doran and their dependants.
The period of permitted use will be for a maximum of three years from the appeal date, or for as long as they occupy the site - whichever is shorter.
At the end of either period, the land will be required to be restored to its former condition.
“Some general concerns have been raised about the development harming the living conditions of the settled community, because of increases in antisocial or criminal behaviour, or leading to an increased risk of flooding on the highway,” said the Planning Inspectorate’s report by inspector Roy Merrett.
“However, there is no evidence to suggest these are other than generalised fears.
“Furthermore I am not persuaded that the nature and limited scale of development proposed would result in harm to the living conditions of local residents by way of noise or unacceptable traffic congestion in the village.
“Similarly there is no evidence to persuade me that a water and electricity supply cannot be achieved, or waste from the site managed.
“The question of adequate access for the emergency services, should this ever be required, was also raised.
“However again, no substantiated evidence has been provided that this would be a problem.”
The decision was listed among five appeals decided in May and June to be presented to Tuesday’s meeting of Barnsley’s planning board.
Dismissed appeals involve an overspill car park at Spicer House Lane, Ingbirchworth, extensions to a bungalow at Robin Lane, Royston, and vehicle access alterations at Bridge Street, Penistone.
An appeal was allowed for the replacement of paper advertising with a digital board at Grange Lane, Stairfoot.