A BARNSLEY coach company came to the aid of hospital workers last week after Stagecoach were forced to cancel bus services due to strikes - and they’re happy to do the same next week.

Dave Mills, who owns Yorkshire Rose, announced he would help the NHS staff get to work for free before the strikes last week - and they helped get more than 200 people onto the site.

Despite the snowy conditions over the weekend, the company still managed to get out and about, and some hospital staff were even planning to walk miles in the conditions.

“We managed to get 220 hospital staff into work over the week,” Dave said.

“We got a call about a hospital porter called Darren who had been walking into work from Royston when it was snowing.

“His wife messaged in and so we helped him out - it’s people like him that were so appreciative.

“It’s been a positive week for us and it’s done really well.”

Dave decided that he wanted to help out following the week-long Stagecoach strike - which could recommence tomorrow - and he says he’s fully behind those who were striking.

“We went down to the picket line and delivered them £100 worth of sausage rolls,” he added.

“We’re all in the same industry and we all know each other so we thought we’d head down to support them.

“This will be a very difficult time for all the management and drivers at Stagecoach and I’m sure no one really wants this and it will be a last resort for them all - but if this what they have chosen to do then we will fully support them.

“We’ve only got 12 minibuses so it’s not like we have 200 like Stagecoach - it’s sad that we can’t help everyone.

“Our minibuses are out in the early hours of the day and then they’re coming back in late at night as they’ve already got jobs to do.”

Dave said that he’s at his happiest when he’s helping others, and he’s more than happy to support people next week and in the future - as long as he’s able to bright up someone’s day.

“Without a doubt we’re going to be helping again at the next strike - the biggest thing this time was how many people we were unable to help,” he said.

“I’m at my happiest when I’m helping others so when I can help I always will.

“We’ve done this before when it’s been snowing - people are always looking after us so we’ll give something back to them.

“We’re not doing this at all for publicity and we get a lot of stick for sharing things sometimes.

“I’m just trying to get across that by being nice to people you can make such a massive impact on their day.

“If you see something nice online then it can have a knock-on effect.”

More updates on how to get support from the company can be found on their Facebook page, Yorkshire Rose Holidays.