A BARNSLEY MP has labelled an employment scheme for youngsters a ‘colossal waste’ of money after targets were missed by more than half.

The Kickstart scheme was scheduled to have more than 20,000 youngsters in work, but last month’s figures show just 9,020 people have started.

Stephanie Peacock, Labour MP for Barnsley East, has hit out at the Tory scheme after the number of young people on Universal Credit almost doubled from the start of the pandemic.

She said: “After almost two years of disruption to their lives, it is vital that good local jobs are created for talented young people in Barnsley, and across Yorkshire.

“Not only is the failure of the government’s Kickstart scheme a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money, it’s also a waste of potential in these young people who have missed out.

“Young people in Barnsley deserve the opportunities that a good job and fair pay provides.

“Through our jobs promise, and our plan to buy, make and sell more in Britain, Labour would make a real difference to young people in Barnsley and bring to an end this decade of Tory-backed disappointment.”