BARNSLEY East MP Stephanie Peacock is worried about the cost-of-living’s impact on local families and has criticised the government’s failure to act on rising energy bills.

The energy price cap increased by 54 per cent on April 1, meaning the average household will have to pay nearly £700 more for gas and electricity per year.

Ms Peacock said: “The government simply aren’t doing enough to help ordinary families, many of whom are now struggling to afford the basics.”

Almost 90 per cent of residents in Barnsley East said they were experiencing more expensive groceries, and 80 per cent said fuel costs were higher.

The government have refused Labour’s proposal to bring in a tax on oil and gas companies to save £200 per household on energy bills.

Ms Peacock wants locals to get in touch and share their issues.

“If this crisis is affecting you, I will do everything I can to raise these concerns in Parliament.”