A YOUNG Barnsley boy who was attacked whilst on his way home from his Darfield school is ‘terrified’ to return back after vicious bullies allegedly targeted him due to his nationality.

Year seven Netherwood Academy student Oskar, 12, was left with a black eye and blood running from his nose after he was reportedly attacked on his way home last Monday.

His mum, Maja Majewska, of Darfield, told the Chronicle the bullying has been going on for a couple of weeks and was left heartbroken after her son phoned her following the attack, which included racist shouting including ‘go back to Poland’.

She added: “It all started Wednesday two weeks ago when a girl and a boy approached him when he was walking back from school.

“He was translating something in Polish to his friend and the girl stopped and started saying some rude words.

“The next day five children approached Oskar on his lunch break and he went to a teacher and reported it.

“He was doing everything to avoid any conflict and so he stayed inside on his lunch and the same people came other to his friends and asked where Oskar was.

“Last Monday on his lunch the kids came other and started slapping the back of his head and poured water over him.”

The bullying came to a head last week as he was walking home from school, a ‘fair distance behind his bullies’, and so he thought he would be safe from any more abuse.

It’s then reported that as Oskar turned in to the short cut home the same girl and boy were waiting for him.

“Oskar didn’t think anything would happen because they were in front of him,” she added.

“There were two people waiting for him and they told him to go back to the country he came from and started calling him names.

“They grabbed his bottle and poured it over him again.

“They started to step on his shoes and as he tried to walk away the girl slapped him and then both started to punch him.

“He has bruises all over his arms and neck and they caused him a nose bleed he was absolutely terrified.”

Maja said she knew something was wrong when she received a phone call from her son, and when she arrived she said she could never have imagined the injuries the bullies had caused.

“Some older boys were recording it on their phones and laughing and the girl said death threats to him,” she added.

“He phoned me at 2.50pm and when I answered he told me he’d been attacked.

“I didn’t think it would be anywhere near as bad as it was I ended up phoning the police and taking him to hospital.

“It was his first day back at school on Monday and he was terrified about going back.

“Teach your kids mutual respect, not hatred.”

A spokesperson for Netherwood Academy said: “While it wouldn’t be appropriate to provide specific details on individual cases, we will always thoroughly investigate any concerns raised by students and/or families, and ensure we have the right measures in place to safeguard our students.

“Safeguarding is our number one priority, and we will always do everything we can to make sure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for our students and staff.”

South Yorkshire Police have launched an investigation for a racailly-aggravated assault.

A spokesperson added: “It is reported that on 13 June around 2.50pm a boy was approached by two known boys on Pitt Street in Barnsley.

“The boys are alleged to made racist remarks to the boy before physically assaulting him.

“The victim was taken to hospital by his family for assessment.

“His injuries were not serious or life-threatening.

“Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting crime reference number 14/108390/22.”