AN amputee who visited Barnsley College last week inspired students with a motivational talk.

Craig Walton came to the college as a guest speaker to talk about a serious head-on collision which resulted in him being trapped in his lorry for over an hour.

His right leg was subsequently amputated below his knee, changing his life forever.

He said: “My visit to the college was enjoyable - everyone was very friendly and welcoming and helpful with the extra support that I need.

“My talk was based around previous experiences that I have been through, and the loss of my lower leg after I was involved in a road traffic accident seven months ago.

“The struggles around these topics have helped me build resilience and find motivation in simple everyday life.

“This allows me to always stay on top of my mental wellbeing and keep myself in a positive mindset.

“I felt the response from the students was really positive. I was asked a few questions around my struggles with mental health and how to pick myself back up if I do find that I am slipping into a depressive state or even just feeling low.

“I received questions on phantom limb/nerve pain.

“The students were engaged when I was talking, the staff were interested and asked some good questions about motivation and resilience too.

“I believe my talk was very beneficial and if I just help one person along my travels, I will consider it a massive success.

“I’m very thankful for the opportunity that the college provided me with to share my story and provide motivation for others.”