ALMOST 100 ‘much-needed’ homes will be brought to Platts Common after Barnsley Council’s planning board approved plans.
A total of 84 homes will be built on land north of Wood Walk, following a planning application submitted in August.
A total of 14 of the ‘market housing’ homes will be two-bedroom, 20 will have three bedrooms and 30 will have four or more.
There will also be 12 two-bedroom flats.
In regards to ‘social, affordable or intermediate rent’ properties, it’s planned there’ll be two two-bedroom houses and six two-bedroom flats.
A design and access statement said: “This application seeks to demonstrate how the site can be developed sensitively with consideration to the immediate neighbours of the site and wider context of Hoyland.
“In developing a scheme that reacts positively to the opportunities and constraints of the site, the application seeks to set the key parameters for a new sustainable, residential community set in a distinctive landscape and proving an integrated mix of house types.”
The site has two existing entrances, both of which are based on Wood Walk, and the plans will look to access the site via the existing entrance closed to Hoyland.
A transport statement added: “Injury collision data has been obtained from July 1 2015 to June 30 2020 from the
Crash Map website.
“The collision data includes 1 slight incident within the vicinity of the site access.
“It is considered one slight incident does not indicate a safety concern nor any safety trends on this section on the local highway network in the vicinity of the proposed development.”
Plans have been approved subject to a section 106 agreement, which included £87,750 being put aside for biodiversity.