ADULT safeguarding was the topic of conversation when a local councillor spoke to residents at a Worsbrough supermarket.
Coun Roy Bowser joined Tracy Hughes of Healthwatch Barnsley last weekend at Asda to speak with residents about their concerns.
The main theme of discussion was around keeping adults safe and healthy.
Tracy, engagement officer for adult safeguarding at Healthwatch Barnsley, said: “We can help anyone who needs care or support to stay safe.
“We can also help you to support loved ones who you suspect may be at harm.
Coun Bowser added: “We had a great response from shoppers, many stopped to discuss the issues, particularly around two of the six principles of adult safeguarding - prevention and protection.
“Everyone has the right to to live free from harm or neglect.
“Healthwatch Barnsley is your local health and social care champion you can turn to for help.”
If you suspect anyone you love or know may be at risk of harm or neglect please contact the front door/emergency duty team – 01226 773300 or or online portal